
60% PB Soy Protein Concentrate (SPC)

60% PB Soy Protein Concentrate (SPC)

Animal nutrition is constantly advancing to keep up with all the demand for animal protein and more sustainable production. According to data from FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) in 2050, the world population will be 9.8 billion people, demanding an increase in production of 200 million tons of animal protein to meet consumption.

In this context, alternative ingredients such as Soy Protein Concentrate (CPS), with high biosecurity, palatability and digestibility, and with less production of polluting residues will be essential to meet this increase in scale and quality.

Soy Protein Concentrate (CPS) is an ingredient, with a crude protein content of around 60%, and digestibility of 93%. Containing 92% less of allergenic oligosaccharides removed in the alcoholic extraction process. During the process of obtaining the Soy Protein Concentrate, the allergenic proteins are denatured and their anti-nutritional properties eliminated, thus reducing energy expenditure with cell renewal and reducing the use of antibiotics resulting from the lower inflammation and intestinal infections.

In addition, the Soy Protein Concentrate has high digestibility, reducing the number of excreta, one of the passives of poultry and swine to environmental pollution. Likewise, it has high palatability allowing the full development of the intestinal villi, increasing the villo-crypt ratio, absorbing more nutrients, and minimizing waste.

Why not use soybeans?

In contrast, the factors that limit the use of soy in animal nutrition are the presence of several antinutritional factors, such as antigenic proteins, such as Glycinin and B-Glycinin. These factors cause morphological changes in the intestinal villi, reducing the villo-crypt ratio, decreasing the nutrient absorption area and increasing the energy expenditure in carrying out the protein turnover. It still has oligosaccharides that are also antinutritional to monogastrics, being raffinose and stachyose the main ones, plus a range of antinutritional factors (Phytic acid, saponins, protease inhibitors, etc.).

However, raffinose and stachyose are not digested in the small intestine due to the non-production of the necessary enzymes. However, when they pass into the large intestine, they are fermented, favoring the production of gases, causing flatulence and abdominal swelling. In addition, these carbohydrates increase the viscosity of the diet by decreasing the contact surface of the nutrients with the enzymes thereby reducing feed efficiency.

CPS is also an alternative to ingredients of animal origin in the formulations, providing improvements in zootechnical indexes throughout the life of the animal, with economic benefits and meeting the demand of the most demanding markets for safe and modern food production.


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